Na sequência do alerta para o desafio Ajuda a "Salvar os Oceanos", lançado pelo Clube Europeu AEG, no contexto das alterações climáticas e da atual situação dos oceanos do nosso planeta, foi criado um espaço onde os nossos alunos puderam deixar as suas propostas.
Clica no vídeo para ver as sugestões de medidas apresentadas pelos nossos alunos.
Following the call for the challenge Help "Save the Oceans", set by the Europe Club, having in mind climate change and the current state of the oceans of our planet, a space was created for our pupils to write down their recommendations.
Click on the video to see the solutions they have presented.
Clica no vídeo para ver as sugestões de medidas apresentadas pelos nossos alunos.
Following the call for the challenge Help "Save the Oceans", set by the Europe Club, having in mind climate change and the current state of the oceans of our planet, a space was created for our pupils to write down their recommendations.
Click on the video to see the solutions they have presented.