Para assinalar e comemorar o seu 45.º aniversário, o
Clube Europeu e o Departamento de História e Ciências Sociais e Humanas
organizaram uma sessão que teve lugar na nossa escola na tarde do 23 de abril. Convidamos
três militares que viveram esse momento em lados opostos do golpe militar,
sendo um deles particularmente decisivo no desenrolar dos acontecimentos desse
dia. Os nossos convidados foram o Coronel Rui Guimarães, o Cabo José da Costa
Alves e o Furriel Manuel Correia da Silva.
Encontros como este são vitais para manter viva a memória
coletiva de tais acontecimentos. Foi uma honra e uma experiência única poder
ouvir a história e as histórias de três convidados tão especiais.
Since 1974 the Portuguese nation has
celebrated “Freedom Day” with a national holiday on April 25th to mark the
bloodless military coup which brought democracy and civil liberties to the
Portuguese people, which for its nature became a test case for Europe and the world. Also celebrated as the Carnation Revolution, the event
of April 25th came about after almost five decades of an authoritarian regime, one of the last in Europe.
To mark and celebrate its 45th
anniversary, the Europe Club along the History and Human Sciences Department organized
a public session on 23rd April afternoon. We invited
three men who lived this historic military coup on opposing sides, being
one of them quite decisive in the unfolding of that day’s events. Our
guests were Colonel Rui Guimarães, Corporal José da Costa Alves and Lance-sergeant
Manuel Correia da Silva.
Such meetings are vital to keep the collective
memory of such events alive. It was an honour and a unique experience to listen
to their story and stories.
Da esquerda para a direita: Cabo José da Costa Alves, Coronel Rui Guimarães e Furriel Manuel Correia da Silva
From left to right: Corporal José da Costa Alves, Colonel Rui Guimarães and Lance-sergeant Manuel Correia da Silva
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